It is with great sadness that we share with you news of the passing of KARUNA JOSHEE, one of the founders of the Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, a donation be made in Karuna's name to Jai Jagat 2020. Our Foundation is currently accepted directed donations for this cause, and you can learn how to make a donation at the end of this message.
For the past 30 years, Karuna has been an integral part of our Foundation. In fact, the Foundation may not even exist had it not been for Karuna’s influence and her unshakable belief in the importance and relevance of Gandhi’s teachings. And she, perhaps more than any of us, would know because Karuna was someone who actually had the opportunity of hearing these teachings directly from Gandhi himself. As a young girl of 8 in Delhi, Karuna lived in close proximity to the location where Gandhi was staying with the Dalits or Untouchables and she would frequently go to take in the classes that he would teach. How many people can say that they sat at Gandhi’s feet to receive his wisdom first hand? Again as a 12 year old, Karuna was able to participate in the prayer meetings which Gandhi held daily while he was staying at Birla House in Delhi. It was no doubt in listening to the wisdom of this great man that she came to embrace his many teachings such as “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service.” You will recall that it was at a prayer meeting at Birla House on January 30, 1948 that Gandhi was assassinated. Karuna happened to be in attendance on that fateful day and subsequently was one of the children to walk in Gandhi’s funeral procession. As a student and follower of Gandhi’s, Karuna was deeply inspired by his words and sought to find ways that she could use her skills and talents to help others. Some of her initiatives included helping young girls get their education; teaching and working with dalits on sanitation and other projects; working with older women – learning and sharing folk wisdom. In time Karuna met and married Krishan Joshee, eventually relocating to Alberta. Despite having the usual responsibilities of a young wife and mother, Karuna continued to discover ways that she could generously and joyfully be of service to others in whatever community she lived. She always welcomed visitors into her home and shared with them food, lodging, good company, or anything else they might be in need of. Over the years she was a surrogate “Mom” to numerous young people as well as a welcoming host to many newcomers. Besides sharing hospitality so generously in her own home, Karuna was always active in her community, often being the “go to” person to provide baking and cooking at countless gatherings and events over the years. Krishan would have been the first to say that what he accomplished would not have been possible without the guidance and support of his loving wife Karuna constantly working quietly and tirelessly behind the scenes. Karuna was someone who was kind, generous and compassionate and who spent a lifetime selflessly contributing to her community with no expectation of recognition or accolades. Karuna was predeceased in 2014 by her loving husband Krishan Joshee. Krishan was a highly respected community leader whose efforts built bridges between cultures and communities for the purpose of serving society. Many years ago a reporter asked Gandhi what his message was. Gandhi famously replied that his life was his message. This was absolutely true of Karuna as well. In looking at Karuna’s life her message comes through loud and clear … we are here to use our skills and talents to be of service to others, and to seek ways to make our world a better place. In closing, it seems fitting to share the following poem which Karuna composed at the tender age of 12 following Gandhi’s assassination. He Is Gone He freed Mother India from her shackles Our tenacious leader, our untiring servant is gone. He has left us in anguish. Our tenacious leader, our untiring servant is gone. As the sun set on this earth our sun also vanished Leaving us in darkness; we are lost. Our tenacious leader, our untiring servant is gone. He who worked to defeat evil Has been taken from us. Our teacher of truth, ahimsa, and discipline Has left us. He is gone but his soul remains In the message of unity he left for us to pursue. The goodness of this son of Mother India now graces the heavens. He was a jewel in our midst; The jewel has today been stolen from us. Our tenacious leader, our untiring servant is gone. Karuna Sharma (Joshee) January 30, 1948
Please use the Donate link below to contribute to the Karuna Joshee Memorial Fund, in support of Jai Jagat 2020.
After completing your donation, there will be a space to share a message with the family. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.
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October 2019