Day 10 ~ February 9 ~ Faith
“Faith is permanent, happiness and unhappiness are fleeting things.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. |
When Cesar Chavez was organizing farm workers, he taught them to say, “Si, se puede,” “Yes, it is possible,” when they didn’t know how they would overcome an obstacle. Think about the times in your life when your faith made a positive difference. (The phrase "si, se puede" was originally coined by Dolores Huerta.) |
Trust without reservation requires that we say, “Yes. Yes it is possible, yes I can, yes I will.” Today say, “I can” even if you are not aware of how to accomplish your goal. Have faith and say, “I can” until you find a way. Today I practice the art of having faith. |
Daily Action
Say, “Yes, it is possible,” to every obstacle you meet. Write down three things you are having a challenge with and with each one write “It is possible for me to overcome this obstacle and be successful.” What would the first step be? Can you take that step today? |
Action for Teens
We all have obstacles in our lives, however big or small. No one’s life is better or worse than any other’s. What always gets us through is faith: the faith that with every closed door is an open window. Today have faith. Action for Children Think about a time when you “did the right thing” even though that was hard for you. Write a short story or draw a picture about this. |
“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” ~ Voltaire “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” ~ Helen Keller “Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.” ~ Elton Trueblood |
Inspirational Video: "How to Restore Your Faith in Humanity"