Jai Jagat 2020 - A Global Movement
Jai Jagat is a term that means “victory to the world.” It was coined by noted social reformer Vinoba Bhave as an antidote to the divisiveness he saw in nationalist slogans like “God bless America,” “Vive La France,” or “Jai Hind.” Jai Jagat 2020 is the name for a global peace march that is meant to draw attention to the urgent need for action on four particular fronts as we strive for peace: ending poverty, eradicating social exclusion, addressing the climate crisis, and eliminating armed violence and conflict. About 10,000 people will march some or all of the way from New Delhi to Geneva starting October 2, 2019 and ending October 3, 2020. The marchers will arrive in Geneva on September 26, 2020 and will engage in a global action forum. We want to be able to say their cause has support all over the world and that people everywhere are doing their part to meet the four goals of the march. This is where you come in. We want you to engage in everyday actions that will help to achieve these goals and let the world know what you are doing through social media using the hashtags #everydayactions4peace and #jaijagat2020.
Examples of everyday actions:
Examples of everyday actions:
- Addressing poverty and climate by using your power as a consumer to buy goods that are produced ethically.
- The grade 5-6 class from Riverdale School in Edmonton who created and conducted a campaign called “Be Cyber Kind” to provide an alternative to cyber bullying.
- Addressing violence by reading a story on peace to children at a local school and having a discussion with them about the key messages.
Jai Jagat is also hosting Webinars. Join live or watch online!