Day 36 ~ March 7 ~ Mindfulness
“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that.” ~ Sylvia Boorstein “Without mindful awareness, the shadows of your past may haunt your present.” ~ Reuben Lowe “Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.” ~ James Thurber |
Mindfulness is focused awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness lets us be fully conscious of a simple sensation like the warmth of sunlight or of the complex interplay between our thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness lets us absorb the richness of the moment instead of going through life with half of our attention on the past or future or our own mental chatter. The self-knowledge that comes from mindfulness lets us be more intentional in choosing priorities and actions that fit our life mission. (Wisdom Commons) |
If we just act in each moment, with composure and mindfulness, each minute of our life is a work of art. Today I practice mindfulness, being awake to and accepting of my present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. |
Daily Action
Choose something simple to do, such as eating a piece of fruit. Bring your complete attention to this experience. Notice what your hands do, the way the food feels in your mouth, the taste, the texture, the idea of nourishing your body. Is this different from the way you normally eat? Practice being mindful in everything you do today. |
Action for Teens
Mindfulness is thinking about what you’re doing and knowing why you’re doing it. As you walk through the day, be mindful of the way you treat others and the way you treat yourself. Today really pay attention. Action for Children Go for a “listening walk”. As you walk around your house or yard, just notice all of the sounds that you hear. |
“Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” ~ Mother Teresa “In today's rush we all think too much - seek too much - want too much - and forget about the joy of just being.” ~ Eckhart Tolle |
Inspirational Video:
"Jon Kabat-Zinn Defines Mindfulness" |