Day 12 ~ February 11 ~ Groundedness
“To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi “A piece of the sky and a chunk of the earth lie lodged in the heart of every human being.” ~ Thomas Moore Reflection
When you are grounded you are completely present, your mind is still, and you are totally focused. It is from this place of being grounded that you can operate most effectively....... |
.....When you are grounded you experience a state of peaceful awareness. The mind is quiet. It is uncluttered with thoughts, especially unproductive limiting thoughts.
Being grounded means you are present in your life, not obsessed with past or future thoughts. From this place of groundedness you are better able to handle life’s challenges. When you feel grounded, you feel secure in your environment; and when you feel secure, you are more likely to respond to a situation in a nonviolent way. Being grounded helps us contribute to peace and a culture of nonviolence. |
Today I feel grounded by the knowledge that I am not separate. I will bring my awareness to the present moment, uncluttered by thoughts of the past and projections into the future. No matter what is going on I will stay balanced and aware of what is happening now rather than being reactive and defensive. |
Daily Action
Take some time to be outside, to walk in a park, or beside a stream, to feel the wind in your hair, and the earth or fallen leaves in your hands. Reflect on the ways of nature, and how we can learn to live in harmony with those ways. |
Action for Teens
When we are angry with ourselves, we can’t see things clearly. Today let go of grudges against others and ourselves, so we can be grounded in our lives, and really feel our experiences. Action for Children Moving your body reminds you that you have one. Instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer get up and get moving! Dance, run, skip, jump, get outside and play. |
“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson “Some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds.” ~ Black Elk |