Day 38 ~ March 9 ~ Kindness
“Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” ~ Albert Schweitzer “Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” ~ Bob Kerrey |
“What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded... sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly….Or, to look at it from the other end of the telescope: Who, in your life, do you remember most fondly, with the most undeniable feelings of warmth? Those who were kindest to you, I bet.” ~ George Saunders Kindness is love and care for others in action. It is not limited to those we know. It has the power to transform someone’s moment, day, or life. Kindness has the power to transform the world. |
There is no place and no person for whom a little extra kindness would not be welcome. Today I practice random acts of kindness and delight in the boomerang effect. |
Daily Action
Do something kind for someone for no reason other than to be kind. Bring beauty to a place where it may be needed without letting anyone know that you were the one who did it. |
Action for Teens
Today, do a random act of kindness. Do something kind for someone for no reason other than to be kind. Notice how it makes you feel. Imagine if everyone did this all the time. Action for Children Do at least three kind things today. You might help someone with a task, clean up after someone, help your parents or do other kindnesses that you think of. |
“My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.” ~ the Dalai Lama “Kindness and compassion toward all living things is the mark of a civilized society.” ~ Cesar Chavez The ideas that have lighted my way have been kindness, beauty and truth.” ~ Albert Einstein |
Inspirational Video: "Being Kind"