The Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace invites teachers and students to participate in the “Peace in Every Day” Calendar Project. This initiative aims to connect students to the legacy of Gandhian principles of nonviolence and peace that continue to shape an alternative to a culture of domination and oppression.
Our printed calendar will feature student art that connects to a life event and/or quote of Mahatma Gandhi. Participants will also be able to view their work in our on-line peace art gallery. We hope that students will find inspiration for their art work by learning about the life, words and actions of Mahatma Gandhi as well as his historic legacy.
Choose inspiration from the life, words and actions of Mahatma Gandhi.
Explore and discuss how peace is present in our every day.
Create an art work and send the digital copy by completing the submission form. Students may collaborate or work individually, using the media of their choice.
We will publish the first name and initial of the artist as well as the grade, school and province. Please complete the form and digital art release.
Your class will receive a ‘Peace in Every Day’ participation certificate!
We have made available a range of resources on our website that connect to the Civil Rights movement, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., and present-day actions of nonviolence and peace. We hope that by engaging with these resources, participants will be further inspired to create meaningful artwork that reflects the principles of nonviolence and peace.
As experts in daily nonviolent conflict resolution, we understand that teachers are experts in promoting healthy learning environments grounded in respect and fairness. Reaching beyond our classrooms, however, the world can paint a different picture at times. Learning that throughout history and across cultures Gandhian principles of non-violence continue to create cultures of care that fortifies and connects us all.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and the creation of our 2023 - 2024 Gandhi Calendar!